How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +19 total
Maternity clothes? About 95%
Stretch marks? No new ones!
Sleep: Can't get enough of it.
Best moment this week: Buying our first diapers and wipes. The check out lady side eyed me though.
Movement: Actually a little less the past few days. I think he's in a growth spurt.
Food cravings: It varies so much.
Gender: BOY!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Depending on his position, it pops out half way at least a couple times a day.
What I miss: Being able to do a lot of things in one day without cramping/swelling/aching.
What I am looking forward to: OB appt on Wednesday! I hope he has turned around so we can get a 3D shot of his face!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep sleep sleep. Oh, and ask people about diapers BEFORE you go to the store. I always knew there was 15 different brands, but actually being there made it super hard to make a decision.
Milestones: 3rd trimester!
Total weight gain/loss: +19 total
Maternity clothes? About 95%
Stretch marks? No new ones!
Sleep: Can't get enough of it.
Best moment this week: Buying our first diapers and wipes. The check out lady side eyed me though.
Movement: Actually a little less the past few days. I think he's in a growth spurt.
Food cravings: It varies so much.
Gender: BOY!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Depending on his position, it pops out half way at least a couple times a day.
What I miss: Being able to do a lot of things in one day without cramping/swelling/aching.
What I am looking forward to: OB appt on Wednesday! I hope he has turned around so we can get a 3D shot of his face!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep sleep sleep. Oh, and ask people about diapers BEFORE you go to the store. I always knew there was 15 different brands, but actually being there made it super hard to make a decision.
Milestones: 3rd trimester!
Third trimester wow! Time goes by so fast doesn't it?! What diapers did you decide on?
And we had a coupon for Huggies (buy one pack of huggies diapers and get a free pack of huggies wipes) so we went with those. :)
I cannot believe the difference between your 26 & 27 week belly shot! I love it!
Oh there does appear to be a big difference! I guess I didn't really pay attention until you said something. haha
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