Oh well, things have smoothed out some so I'm back in the game.
Updates on Aidan:
- 7.5 months.
- 2 bottom teeth, 2 top teeth pending (they are visible through the gums but not yet broken through)
- army crawls like a pro
- gets on hands and knees and hangs out, rocks back and forth a lot
- loves to stand now. on the couch holding onto the back, on the floor holding onto the cushion, on our laps holding onto our shoulders, etc
- loves to jump on people, not so much in his jumperoo. he will happily sit on our laps and kick his legs for an hour, easy, making himself bounce up and down
- still eats like a champ. 40oz of formula a day plus 2-3 solids a day
- sleep is still good.. usually 12 hours a night.
- bedtimes are getting rough though with teething + seperation anxiety. he has a big issue when i lay him down and then leave the room! we're working on it though.
- he gives big huge belly laughs now when he gets excited. he also FINALLY is starting to take interest in holding his own bottle. I still feed him but afterwards I let him play with it and he can now hold it up on his own and suck.
I understand about not alays having time (or even wanting to) blog. I'm trying to get better about blogging and leaving comments. It seems like you have a lot on your plate right now and sometimes blogging HAS to take a backseat. Aidan is cute and I'm glad he's sleeping and eating good for you!
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